Complaint History & Business Rating for Paradise Point Engine and Boat Repair

8090 Rio Blanco Rd, Stockton, California, 95219-8703, United States.

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Claims vs Paradise Point Engine and Boat Repair (1):

Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Clyde L.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:22-Feb-2016
Clyde L. says: Paradise Point Engine and Boat Repair
8090 Rio Blanco Rd.
Stockton, CA 95219
Attn: Garland Powell; Shop Manager

January 18, 2016

RE: Alleged Concealment of Upper Engine VZ225STLRC2004(STE66231F304) Damaged 09/19/2015 Incident

Alleged motivation for negligent behavior; concealment of discovery of blown upper unit power heads:
Since Garland Powell (you) never comprehending the establish cause of cable or chain rapping propeller and stopping engine (major upper and lower unit damage). You believed it was ware on barring, therefore, any further damages concerning upper unit you could not support as related to incident and did not desire my boat remaining an indefinite period awaiting settlement. It was in the shop's interest to provide the approved work on lower unit and return boat for payment. No definitive evaluation of spontaneous damage to upper unit was performed by you. I expected a definitive evaluation on upper unit before now.

Upon initial evaluation and (approximate or expected) final repair December 23, 2015 4:00pm of the lower unit there was already enough evidence resulting from traumatic stoppage of propeller and damaged parts to warrant tare down inspection of power head prior to now. All damaged parts except one was disposed (see below) of and done without permission was given to destroy or dispose of any damaged parts. It appears you further attempted to conceal the discovery of the power heads, already blown. The excellent condition, working power head compressor and low hours on the motor points to a timely failure following the in-valet water test with an improper propeller, a Mercury propeller recommended by you, Garland Powell, it's maid for opposition rotation reducing drag and stress prolong final fail. Further concealment, raising the height of engine mounts further reducing drag and stress, further concealment to make it appear it was something other than the engine causing the boat performance problem, it never had the same performance, feel or power and it never cut off after starting before. You and another staff were present at launch, launching your personal boat after I launched my boat (ready to come get me knowing engine was going to fail and did fail but I made it back before dark on a rainy cloudy day early sun down).Mean while, I took off, got on plane, no power, started missing, sputtering, I turned around, I made it near 5 mph zone engine cut off, it would not restart, it continued to back fire when I tried to restart engine with you present.

1. Drive Shaft damaged remaining part broken in two pieces received January 15, 2016
2. No photos of damage parts lower unit, 13-13 pages other photos, no lower unit internal parts photographed.
3. Disposal and or destruction of Owner Property without permission.
4. Never comprehending cause of damage resulting poor evaluation of damages to upper unit.
5. Cylinders was later tested by another shop with blown power head still held compression due to excellent condition, compressor and low hours of engine.
6. Drive shaft was sheared in half at thickest point shaft diameter OEM Yamaha part was machined as a single piece of work not welded. Unable to retrieve engine hours as requested.
7. Circular spiral patterns on sheared surfaces resulting from shearing upon external stoppage of the engine via propeller stoppage from cable or chain rapping around it (in-comprehensible to you).
8. Engine raised engine re-mounting Mercury is the wrong propeller to be recommended and mounted on first water test, no torque, no performance, made for opposite spin torque, fanning watering, no power heads blown reduce power no failure yet (concealment).
9. It appears you again further were attempting to conceal existing damages to upper unit reducing water displacement raising engine, recommendation Mercury propeller (wrong propeller) only served to conceal the damage power head.
10. A Yamaha propeller was ordered and purchased on January 4, 2016 from you, re-mounted to spec and tested by me with (2 Shop) staff on boat docks, during the test, getting on plan I did not fell the same drive performance, the engine sputtered turn back toward the docks and engine completely failed, the power heads were already blown due to prior damage of original incident traumatic propeller stoppage, resulting in loud squeal (metal shaft twisting generating heat shearing in two) and engine back firing and smoke (blown power heads 09/19/2015). Cable or chain rapped around propeller stopping engine traveling west 35mph passing large tanker New Pearl on main San Joaquin River causing major damages to upper and lower units. In hindsight; once the timing is off on the heads the valves must be adjusted immediately to save the power head, however, I have no control of this due to external traumatic engine stoppage it all happen all at once.

Respectfully Submitted

Clyde Livingston, contact 209 688-6824
CC: Geico Marine Insurance, California Department of Insurance
Respond. Click here if you're authorized to respond to Paradise Point Engine and Boat Repair customer comments or edit information on this profile.
  • Commented By:Clyde L.
  • Recommended:N/A
  • On:22-Feb-2016
Clyde L. says: Paradise Point Engine and Boat Repair
8090 Rio Blanco Rd.
Stockton, CA 95219
Attn: Garland Powell; Shop Manager

January 18, 2016

RE: Alleged Concealment of Upper Engine VZ225STLRC2004(STE66231F304) Damaged 09/19/2015 Incident

Alleged motivation for negligent behavior; concealment of discovery of blown upper unit power heads:
Since Garland Powell (you) never comprehending the establish cause of cable or chain rapping propeller and stopping engine (major upper and lower unit damage). You believed it was ware on barring, therefore, any further damages concerning upper unit you could not support as related to incident and did not desire my boat remaining an indefinite period awaiting settlement. It was in the shop's interest to provide the approved work on lower unit and return boat for payment. No definitive evaluation of spontaneous damage to upper unit was performed by you. I expected a definitive evaluation on upper unit before now.

Upon initial evaluation and (approximate or expected) final repair December 23, 2015 4:00pm of the lower unit there was already enough evidence resulting from traumatic stoppage of propeller and damaged parts to warrant tare down inspection of power head prior to now. All damaged parts except one was disposed (see below) of and done without permission was given to destroy or dispose of any damaged parts. It appears you further attempted to conceal the discovery of the power heads, already blown. The excellent condition, working power head compressor and low hours on the motor points to a timely failure following the in-valet water test with an improper propeller, a Mercury propeller recommended by you, Garland Powell, it's maid for opposition rotation reducing drag and stress prolong final fail. Further concealment, raising the height of engine mounts further reducing drag and stress, further concealment to make it appear it was something other than the engine causing the boat performance problem, it never had the same performance, feel or power and it never cut off after starting before. You and another staff were present at launch, launching your personal boat after I launched my boat (ready to come get me knowing engine was going to fail and did fail but I made it back before dark on a rainy cloudy day early sun down).Mean while, I took off, got on plane, no power, started missing, sputtering, I turned around, I made it near 5 mph zone engine cut off, it would not restart, it continued to back fire when I tried to restart engine with you present.

1. Drive Shaft damaged remaining part broken in two pieces received January 15, 2016
2. No photos of damage parts lower unit, 13-13 pages other photos, no lower unit internal parts photographed.
3. Disposal and or destruction of Owner Property without permission.
4. Never comprehending cause of damage resulting poor evaluation of damages to upper unit.
5. Cylinders was later tested by another shop with blown power head still held compression due to excellent condition, compressor and low hours of engine.
6. Drive shaft was sheared in half at thickest point shaft diameter OEM Yamaha part was machined as a single piece of work not welded. Unable to retrieve engine hours as requested.
7. Circular spiral patterns on sheared surfaces resulting from shearing upon external stoppage of the engine via propeller stoppage from cable or chain rapping around it (in-comprehensible to you).
8. Engine raised engine re-mounting Mercury is the wrong propeller to be recommended and mounted on first water test, no torque, no performance, made for opposite spin torque, fanning watering, no power heads blown reduce power no failure yet (concealment).
9. It appears you again further were attempting to conceal existing damages to upper unit reducing water displacement raising engine, recommendation Mercury propeller (wrong propeller) only served to conceal the damage power head.
10. A Yamaha propeller was ordered and purchased on January 4, 2016 from you, re-mounted to spec and tested by me with (2 Shop) staff on boat docks, during the test, getting on plan I did not fell the same drive performance, the engine sputtered turn back toward the docks and engine completely failed, the power heads were already blown due to prior damage of original incident traumatic propeller stoppage, resulting in loud squeal (metal shaft twisting generating heat shearing in two) and engine back firing and smoke (blown power heads 09/19/2015). Cable or chain rapped around propeller stopping engine traveling west 35mph passing large tanker New Pearl on main San Joaquin River causing major damages to upper and lower units. In hindsight; once the timing is off on the heads the valves must be adjusted immediately to save the power head, however, I have no control of this due to external traumatic engine stoppage it all happen all at once.

Respectfully Submitted

Clyde Livingston, contact 209 688-6824
CC: Geico Marine Insurance, California Department of Insurance
Respond. Click here if you're authorized to respond to Paradise Point Engine and Boat Repair customer comments or edit information on this profile.
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Paradise Point Engine and Boat Repair’s Complaint History (1):

1 claim is currently posted for public review and comment :

    • Claim
    • Seeking:

    Paradise Point Engine And Boat

    • Bad business practices
    Claimant says:Paradise Point Engine and Boat Repair 8090 Rio Blanco Rd. Stockton, CA 95219 Attn: Garland Powell; Shop Manager January 18, 2016 RE: Alleged Concealment of Upper Engine VZ225STLRC2004(STE66231F304) Damaged 09/19/2015 Incident Alleged motivation for negligent behavior; concealment of discovery of blown upper unit power heads: Since Garl...

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