Complaint History & Business Rating for Parkersburg Roofing & Construction and John Gibson

1130 24th St, Parkersburg, West Virginia, 26101-2622 , United States.

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Claims vs Parkersburg Roofing & Construction and John Gibson (1):

Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Clarissa K.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:16-Oct-2017
Clarissa K. says: Had new roof and gutters installed, was quoted 2-3 days and it took over a month once they showed up. Employees were loud and constantly fighting with each other, very unprofessional. Covered my yard and driveway with cigarette butts and roofing nails and left building materials in my yard which killed my grass. Gutters leak, multiple calls have been made, John Gibson came and determined they were installed incorrectly. He promised to have it taken care of immediately. It has been over 6 months, John Gibson kept giving dates and times he would be here, but after many no call no shows we STILL have leaks. He no longer takes my calls, they all go to voice mail, and he does not return my calls. The leaks have peeled the paint off of my deck and killed landscaping. I filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau and he did not respond to them within their deadline either. I posted a review on Facebook of Parkersburg Roofing and he actually responded and said he would be here by end of day Friday... of course he did not call or show up. Bad business, horrible customer service, absolutely NO professionalism. John makes empty promises to try to cover their mistakes, but never follows through. I paid approximately $7000 for new roof and gutters and expected to get what I paid for, instead I am left with multiple leaks and damage from their lack of skills and unwillingness to repair their mistakes.
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Parkersburg Roofing & Construction and John Gibson’s Complaint History (1):

1 claim is currently posted for public review and comment :

    • Claim
    • Seeking:

    Wayne & Thelma Fine vs. Parkersburg Roofing And John Gibson

    • Bad business practices
    • Customer service runarounds
    • Problem with a service
    Claimant says:In August, 2015, we had Parkersburg Roofing put a new metal roof and replace 2 skylights on a house we had just purchased. At the first hard rain, we had leaks in the larger skylight in the kitchen. We have called them repeatedly since 11/12/15 and when we can get someone to answer, they assure us they will be out to fix it. They did send someon...

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