Complaint History & Business Rating for Preservation Partners Management Group Inc

21515 Hawthorne Blvd., Suite 125, Torrance, California, 90503, United States.

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What Preservation Partners Management Group Inc customers think NEW

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Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Tammie D.
  • Recommended:Maybe
  • On:07-Sep-2022
Tammie D. says: I lived in some of their Section 8 Apartments. I don’t know. I didn’t have many problems while there. I would hear shootings often. I mostly stayed inside so it didn’t affect me. They were slow to repair things. They made us move into another apartment for a week and when I came back a few of my things where missing. The big problem was after I moved. I always payed my rent on time except for once and I payed the late fee. I moved out did everything right. I cleaned the apartment gave my notice and turned in my keys. I even give them my new address. Almost a year later I get a letter in the mail from the Creditors saying I owe them almost $7000. The creditors say they don’t have me moving out until a half year later. I believe you get what you pay for. And when you old or disabled people will help you.Be careful who you get help from. Everyone is not out there really help.
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  • Commented By:Florence J.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:16-Jul-2022
Florence J. says: They have allowed a tenant who has assaulted another tenant to remain on the property for years. During his tenancy he has harassed,bullied and intimated the residents and staff.Most of his violations have been reported to ppmg yet he is still living here.
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  • Commented By:Latoya S.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:03-Dec-2019
Latoya S. says: This company placed a restraining order on me for complaining about issues in the apartment bringing upheaval to my life. It was dismissed WITH prejudice but they continued with an Unlawful Detainer based on the restraining order anyway. The "UD" was then extended twice by them and THEN cancelled BY THEM because PPMG MANAGEMENT LIED ALL ALONG. And the management at our building continues (never stopped throughout all of this) their harassment everyday and in anyway they can.
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  • Commented By:Clint L.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:16-Jun-2017
Clint L. says: Take forever to respond to important maintenance problems, specifically major plumbing problems.
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