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102-17750 56th Avenue Suite 550, Surrey, British Columbia, V3S 1K4, Canada.

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Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Sara T.
  • Recommended:Yes
  • On:04-Jan-2019
Sara T. says: I was really nervous about buying my prescription online from Canada. However, health insurance premiums of $2,700 per month that cover nothing (including my "$428" per month prescription) until I hit a $6,700 deductible don't leave any money for actual healthcare. I nearly did myself in by simply not taking the prescription. Not good.

I have heard horror stories about online purchases. However, PricePro Pharmacy was impressive. I checked them out with various certifying bodies; they have a Norton Shopping Guarantee; I have good credit card coverage. Their online chat is very helpful. Nikki talked me through the whole process carefully and was able to answer all my questions about shipping etc. She immediately checked my prescription for errors and omissions when I uploaded it. If you're looking for one of those seedy/scammy "no prescription necessary" sites, this isn't it. Nikki immediately asked me to verify WHICH of the practice's doctors had written the prescription and made sure everything was in order. The subsequent pharmacist checks etc. took a little longer than I'd have liked, but I'm glad they do it.

I got a notification when my prescription shipped from Turkey and I was able to get text updates from USPS. The whole process - over the various winter holidays - took about 3 weeks, although I'd expect it to be faster next time. The best part: instead of costing $428 per month, my prescription cost me $51 per month after shipping and discounts. There are different prices for meds originating from different countries, and I chose the cheapest. The labeling and insert is in Turkish, of course, but the product seems to indeed be from GSK and is acting as expected. Included in the shipping box was a print-out in English of all the instructions and caveats I'm only too well aware of.

I am angry that Americans have to resort to ordering prescriptions this way because of the insane healthcare insurance system, but it is what it is - for now. I'm happy to have used PricePro Pharmacy and I will gladly recommend them, and use them again myself.
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