Complaint History & Business Rating for Rex Hospital

4420 Lake Boone Trl, 123071, Raleigh, North Carolina, 27607, United States.

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PeopleClaim Reliability Rating
Scale: A+ to F

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Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Patricia M.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:31-Dec-2022
Patricia M. says: We trusted the excellent care my husband received at Rex in the past 4 decades, during which he ,was hospitalized many times for severe asthma. So that's why we brought him there this December for workup and treatment for severe, antibiotic resistant aspiration pneumonia. Sadly, Rex has changed radically, to the point I would not choose to entrust him to their care again. They are grossly understaffed, so patients aren't adequately monitored to ensure IV lines aren't accidentally ripped from their arms and left to discharge their contents on the floor and Oxygen tubes aren't pulled from their nostrils leaving them without critical oxygenation! Hospitalists are young and inexperienced, failing to adequately evaluate patients' medical response to care and antibiotics, failing to communicate with patients' family members re their condition, and responding to reasonable questions re the patients' care with surprising resentment and anger! The nursing staff are kind, caring and wonderful, but are working under unreasonable pressure from short staffing and poor physician quality. I have to admit, I'm horrified at the changes for the worse I've witnessed since Rex was acquired by the UNC System. Unfortunately, just as we've seen with Wake Med and Duke, bigger is not better when it comes to quality of care . . . just less responsive to patients' medical needs! Ugh.
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  • Commented By:Janet H.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:19-Aug-2021
Janet H. says: Extremely poor care or concern for patient.
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  • Commented By:Sz A.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:10-Oct-2017
Sz A. says: I would never recommend REX hospital to a friend or relative. Some of their hospitalists are terrible and do not address any complaints from their patients. Some of their hospitalists and nurse practitioners have an agenda to push certain patients towards HOSPICE services, against the will of their patients. Their hospitalists, staff and ER folks ask the same questions again and again and do not appropriately record patient's wishes or consent and their staff exhibits poor coordination.
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