Complaint History & Business Rating for Sacred Heart Hospital

5151 N. 9Th Ave., Pensacola, Florida, 32504, United States.

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Scale: A+ to F

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Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Trisha J.
  • Recommended:Yes
  • On:29-Mar-2019
Trisha J. says: Yes, I would recommend Scared Heart Hospital to anyone. The staff here are very professional. I know that there are some that don't fit this saying, you have people like that everywhere. This doesn't stop the ones that are above that percentage. I believe that Scared Heart stands on there actions and there words that they say by always abiding by their mission statement to be "Rooted in the loving ministry of Jesus as a healer, by committing themselves to serve all people with special attention who are poor and vulnerable. By answering the call from back then, to now, and generations to come. Scared Heart keep showing God the respect and honor. You will always be blessed in all you do and continually grow. Because " The Best Care Does Come From The Heart." Thanks and be blessed. Awesome job guys.
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  • Commented By:Kim D.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:28-Oct-2017
Kim D. says: ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Be careful, by all means but if you can help not bumping into MY "care team" the heinous and condescending way they treat you, even an hours drive is worth it. Here are the peoples names that told me " Cant help you", " are you psycho?" ... and I was already a wreck, You CANNOT be honest, the worst doctor to hit this coast in 70 years. Doctor Wolfe, he actually laughs while his staff chimes in. IF you are sick, need a nurse or doctor to actually determine what you have and help you? This is NOT the place for you..
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