Complaint History & Business Rating for Scher Bros. Landscaping

236 Belle Grove Ln, Royal Palm Beach, Florida, 33411, United States.

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Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Barbara B.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:18-Sep-2019
Barbara B. says: They did a poor job, they do not return calls, they did not live up what was promised. Left lighting box on floor not installed properly. David was rude and made up lies about me. I am truly sorry that I did not stop payment as it is soo bad I am doing it over All in all it was a very unpleasant experience
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  • Commented By:Lee D.
  • Recommended:Yes
  • On:22-Aug-2017
Lee D. says: i live in mizner falls a gated community in west Boynton and i hired dave scher to redo my front bed and what an incredible job did he do i now have beautifully spaced plants and a very attractive combination of stone i have had compliment after compliment an awesome and clean job i am beyond pleased and would find it very hard to imagine someone as good as dave scher it is also very important for people considering hiring scher brothers that i never met dave before and i feel very lucky to have found him as you will to if you decide to any landscaping on your property the prior reviews from dawn and Thomas r are very unfair and inaccurate i know for a fact they are husband and wife and because they made poor judgements they are taking it out on an honest man and heres why Thomas hired dave scher to do a 8400 job and gave half down for the job as we all do when you consummate a deal they postponed the job date because they had to replace their air conditioners and then demanded their deposit back two months later dave already bought all the materials for the job but dawn and Thomas are unreasonable customers and have flat out lied with their interviews dave offered several excellent options to them but they decided to separately write these false interviews do not hesitate to hire dave scher he is a top notch landscape designer and very fair with his prices
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  • Commented By:Dawn F.
  • Recommended:N/A
  • On:17-May-2016
Dawn F. says: Scher brothers is a rip off
Phony business addresses etc
Many complaints and judgements in nj as well
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  • Commented By:Dawn F.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:17-May-2016
Dawn F. says: Took a deposit of over 4000.00 dollars never did job
Has other complaints and phony business addresses
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  • Commented By:Thomas R.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:18-Apr-2016
Thomas R. says: David Scher is a dishonest person who should be in jail. Mr.Scher preys on senior citizens by taking advantage of the loopholes in the palm beach county laws.
Beware of giving Scher Brothers any money upfront,They will keep your money and never do any work !!!!!!!.
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