Complaint History & Business Rating for Scrivens Waste Disposal

P.O Box 747, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, 37133, United States.

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Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:miss.caro
  • Recommended:No
  • On:07-Dec-2022
miss.caro says: DO NOT RECOMMEND. He is extremely unprofessional and rude. He will trespass onto your property to leave harassing notes on your door for non payment on services that were never performed due to me canceling! He is still attempting to bill me but even his bill makes no logical sense. He is billing for trash pickup 3 months after I canceled. I don't even have his can anymore. He came to pick it up 6 months ago but not before dumping trash all over my front yard. My husband and I have called him asking him to stop coming up to our front door and to stop billing us when we've canceled.
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  • Commented By:F R.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:22-Feb-2017
F R. says: I called to get trash pickup going in January of 2017 and I didnt get a response from them by phone until 2 to 3 WEEKS later. Garbage was piled up. The guy who called apologised and said he didnt know why his drivers hadnt been picking up my trash. He gave me a free courtesy pick up for the garbage ONE time. This month, February, I got a money order to send and pay for this months trash pick up. Its been almost a whole month and they have not been here to pick up my trash. The other day he called and left a nasty message saying more or less that Id better pay him and "I need to screw over white people's companies who pick up garbage," and "No wonder black people dont have anything!" Excuse me....what???? WTF is this looney guy tripping off of??? I assumed hed received my money order earlier this month for the full payment of trash pickup for February. Now if he didnt, receive it, thats not because of me. And instead of leaving his RUDE, NASTY message he should have told me that he did not receive my money order, and I would call and try to find out what happened with it in the mail. That guy or whatever it is was VERY RUDE AND DISRESPECTFUL! I have told "it" that I no longer want his crappy company to pick up my trash and I'll find a more reliable company to do it. DO NOT HIRE THIS CRAPPY BUSINESS TO PICK UP YOUR TRASH! Its almost the end of the month, and they have not come around even once to pick up the trash. I've called another company that I hope will be reliable, because this company sure ISN'T! DO NOT SPEND YOUR DOLLARS WITH THIS COMPANY, UNLESS YOU LIKE NO TRASH PICKUP AND GIVING YOUR MONEY TO AN APPARENT IDIOT WHO HAS RACE ISSUES.
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Scrivens Waste Disposal’s Complaint History (1):

1 claim is currently posted for public review and comment :

    • Claim
    • Seeking:

    Scrivens Waste Disposal-Dispute-#2617553

    • Bad business practices
    • Overcharge or billing error
    • Problem with a service
    Claimant says:I hired Scrivens Aug 12th, 2011 to pick up my garbage weekly. The fee was, and still is, $15.00 per month and the first bill was prorated from Aug 12th to Sept 30th for a total due of $25.75. I was told by the owner that I could get 'special' pickups as needed for $3.00 per pick up. At the end of Nov of 2011 I called and requested a special picku...

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