Complaint History & Business Rating for Solidifi Inc

Two Prudential Plaza 180 North Stetson Suite 3500, Chicago, Illinois, 60601, United States.

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PeopleClaim Reliability Rating
Scale: A+ to F

What Solidifi Inc customers think NEW

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Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:T M.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:21-May-2021
T M. says: Dealing with Solidifi has been a terrible experience. They waited until the day of closing to request documents concerning my legal divorce (which was executed 7 years prior). My home title was 100% in my name, but they were not satisfied. Thinking that I may have cheated my ex-wife, they asked for my divorce decree and PSA documents.. I got so tired of the entire ordeal that I relented and gave them everything. Then they came back and said they wanted proof that I paid my wife what she was entitled to in the divorce.. reasoning that if I didn't she could somehow request that the property title be changed and her name added to it. The entire process was very invasive, time consuming and unnecessary. They are the default title company for CFBank. If you refinance with CFBank, do yourself a favor and ask for another title company!
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  • Commented By:Michael L.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:30-Mar-2021
Michael L. says: Ten days after closing they have still not sent my cash back, or checks for consolidation. The UPS tracking number they sent me shows Friday, March 26th @ 1:06pm, and now at 6:00pm on Tuesday, March 30th, it has not shipped, they do not have any answers by phone, or email other than tracking number. This in my opinion is felony theft, and are padding their bottom line by sitting on disbursement checks to get interest on the funds. With all the negative customer reviews, I'm sure many would LOVE to get in on a class action proceeding for inconveniences due to travel, hotel, late funds, negligence no notice rescheduling and mental duress.
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  • Commented By:J S.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:24-Jan-2018
J S. says: We had a simple refingonthrough this company and they have not cleared the old lien off. While the previous lender should have removed it, after 72 days Solidifi has not noticed previous lender with a removal notice even when requested. This is the absolute worst experience we have had with a title company.
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