Complaint History & Business Rating for St Anne's Hospital

795 Middle St, 264273, Fall River, Massachusetts, 2721, United States.

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Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Sandra R.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:15-Apr-2020
Sandra R. says: My father was brought in by ambulance to the emergency room to receive steroids infusions. While in the emergency room the doctor took a chest X-ray and blood work . The X-ray showed bilateral pneumonia and the doctor saw the X-ray and gave my father antibiotics and also gave his 1gm of solomedrol daily . Instead of putting solumedrol on hold per request of family the doctor refuse . My father ended up getting worst . I went to visit my dad , on that day he was upset the Pt and doctor refuse to let his walk making him bed bound. They gave all his morning medication without my dad evening after my dad told them he was going take his medication after breakfast they made him take it before breakfast. That evening Dr. Singla from St Anne called saying she was going to put my dad on a breathing machine with a tube down his throat. I said no and told dr Singla to transfer my dad to Charlton memorial hospital to get the right care he needed . They should have never gave the steroids on top of his pneumonia. Dr. Singla refuse to sent my dad to Charlton Memorial Hospital saying they had no bed available in ICU. I told her that was a lie and told her that she was going to be held responsible if anything should happen to my dad . She was going against the Health Proxy request of a transfer. I work in the health field for 15 years . I told her on the phone there no way there not one bed open when patients come in all the time in serious conditions due to accidents and have to go to ICU. Dr Singla hung up the phone with me. After 10 minutes Dr. Singla called me saying she called Charlton memorial hospital and pulled some string and got my dad a bed at ICU. My dad passed away 2 days later due to receiving the solumedrol steroids while having the bilateral pneumonia. St annes failed in the care of my dad and the request of the health proxy went out the door at st Annes. Definitely do not recommend this hospital to anyone. If you want your family members to live please send to another hospital for care. St annes also refuse to give the medical records from this visit
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