Complaint History & Business Rating for Starbucks Corp (Headquarters)

PO Box 3717, Seattle, Washington, 98124-3717, United States.

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Starbucks Corp (Headquarters)’s Complaint History (4):

5 claims are currently posted for public review and comment :

    • Claim
    • Seeking:

    My Claim vs. Starbucks Dispute

    • "I just feel ripped off."
    • Bad business practices
    • Failure to honor promises
    • Problem with a product
    Claimant says:In December of 2012, I purchased a Starbucks top of the line Verissmo coffee machine from Williams Sonoma. When I got home, I live 40 miles from the store, I noticed that the carafe was cracked and unusuable. I couldn't exchange it until after Christmas as I am disabled and cannot drive. Later in Januuary of 2013, I exchanged the machine for anoth...
    • Claim
    • Seeking:

    Starbucks Corp-Dispute-#4076358

    • Contract / Agreement / Promise dispute
    Claimant says:I was told by a Starbucks employee that the decaf coffee was Swiss water processed. After drinking the coffee for several months I started feeling sick and researched the coffee. It was hard to get a result but eventually I found an article saying Starbucks no longer sells decaf coffee processed without highly toxic chemicals. I feel lied t...
    • Claim
    • Seeking:

    Starbucks Corp-Dispute-#1035631

    • "I just feel ripped off."
    • Problem with a product
    Claimant says:I am costumer of Starbucks for over a decade, and always ordering the same coffee caramel frappoucino . For the last at least a year I been noticed that my coffee is been deluted by not having the same amount of coffee in it so instead of getting a caramel frappoucino I'm getting almost a milkshake, after hearing from other friends and relatives th...
    • Claim
    • Seeking:

    Starbucks Corp-Dispute-#1631234

    • Bad business or marketing practices
    • Marketing / Promotion
    • Overcharge or billing error
    Claimant says:A friend ordered a verismo for me as an Xmas gift. The lever on the Verisimo would not stay down, I wasted a whole box of pods on this machine. If you put the pod in and close it to make the coffee the lever would shoot up, and to make the drink you had to sit there and forcefully hold the lever down. This machine was a complete waste of money, and...

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