Stoneberry.Com’s Complaint History (2):
2 claims are currently posted for public review and comment
- Claim
- Seeking:
- "I just feel ripped off."
- Bad business practices
- Overcharge or billing error
- Problem with a product
Claimant says:Sheets ordered were inferior. I returned and paid for the postage myself. Stoneberry is charging me for original shipment fee which i paid $19.99 and now late fee of $12.48. I am not going to pay this because they received sheets and the shipping fee. Have never had such ridiculous problems with a company. They are also very rude on phone.
- Claim
- Seeking:
- "I just feel ripped off."
- Bad business practices
- Problem with a service
Claimant says:stoneberry practice discriminatory business and I would never do business with them again I demand an apology Jessica ID js9 supervisor was so rude and disrespectful to me that I would never do business with this company again and something needs to be done because these people talk to you any kind of way because they know they can get away with it...
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