Complaint History & Business Rating for Taco Johns

122 3Rd St W, Thief River Falls, Minnesota, 56701, United States.

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  • 1 customer reporting.
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Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Clayton M.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:07-Oct-2022
Clayton M. says: Orders a SUPER NACHOS. requesting that they make it not looking a mess and lop sided like the last one..
Heres what happened. Returned home opened the Super Nacho order,,, sloppily made ho Gucamole, barely any cheese if you could find it, harly any pieces of tomatoes and chips that were so dry as if they just came form bag ..having no cheese..
Disappointed I returned to TACO Johns at 730 Pm 10/7 with poorly made order. The woman (girl) said "we should have told you we didnt have any gucamole" ..I said its "dry " I meant barely any cheese and I didnt want it...She argued her point that "we cant make it look like the picture"... I would have hussled one of the staff down to HUGOS or Walmart and picked up some AVACADOS and made it through the evening...instead of making excuses and taking peoples money without telling them some ingredients were not in the dish. ASKED FOR MONEY back and gave them the dish of dry SUPER NACHOS ..NOT GOING BACK FOR A WHILE...the young girl manager this evening had very poor attitude..arguring her point of "WE CANT" "WE CANT "...well I Cant bring myself to spend money at this TACO JOHNS ...
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