Complaint History & Business Rating for Tallahassee Memorial Hospital

1207 Tmh Ct, Tallahassee, Florida, 32308, United States.

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Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Pat A.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:31-May-2020
Pat A. says: I have hemochromatosis, treatment for this is to have blood drawn on a regular basis. After receiving 3 phlebotomies, I received 2 bills from TMH one over $2,000. I since learned the Dr. could have written a prescription so I could go to Blood One and DONATE my blood instead of pitching out. I would not have been and my blood could help others. I also received a bill from THM for the Dr visits. One visit in September 2020 was for 45 minutes around $100. more than a quick in and out. Well, I was there for 45 minutes for sure sitting in his office. When he came in he told me his teenage son did not want to get out of bed and go to school. The time I spent with the Dr. was less than 5 minutes. After I received the out of proportion bill for the Dr visit, I started calling billing and they transferred me to a lady that works in the office of Dr Peabody. I explained my concern and she was to get with the powers to be and call me back. That never happened I called at least 10 times and finally left a message to talk with her supervisor. She then returned my call. This time she said she would talk to Dr Peabody, she called back with the same story, that sometimes it is behind scenes the Dr is working on my health. Apparently she did not hear my story that I told her many times that the Dr. son did not want to get out of bed, so I repeated. She finally got Dr approval to remove $103. from that visit. I paid the balance and then I got another bill that showed I owe $103. Unbelievable. I spent about $3,000 on this fiasco. Thank you very much, I will not return nor do I have anything good to say about this Dr and organization.
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