Complaint History & Business Rating for Theresa Soderblom/ Soderblom Mastiffs

396 Rock Creek Rd, Laurens, South Carolina, 29360-5138, United States.

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What Theresa Soderblom/ Soderblom Mastiffs customers think NEW

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Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Katie M.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:14-Jan-2017
Katie M. says: This lady let me take her crate to transport the puppy I bought from her. There was no discussion about getting the crate back to her. After I questioned if the "delivery guy" was actually coming because SHE told me he was 10 minutes away and a half hour later when he wasn't there,she told me I could leave. I said I just wanted to make sure I wasn't being scammed. I apologized to the "delivery guy" if I was rude. I sent her a text to do the same. She then called me on my way home with the dog and I hung up on her. Then I got a text about being a fraud and getting the crate back. I told her I would send it back after I got the puppy checked out. It was a holiday weekend and nobody was open to try and send it back. I then got very nasty emails from her about the crate. I tried to explain that nobody is open on a holiday weekend to send it back. She threatened to come and take the puppy back and sent more harassing and vile emails. I went to UPS the next morning and when they said it would take over a week to get it back, I offered to buy her a new one which would get there faster. She opted for a new crate and I sent one. Hopefully I am done with this god awful woman.
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