Complaint History & Business Rating for Trinitas Regional Medical Center

225 Williamson St., Elizabeth, New Jersey, 7207, United States.

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Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Joe P.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:25-May-2018
Joe P. says: They stitch up a 6 inch gash in my leg and before be I left I had 2 stitches left and I had to wait for ride and they made me wait outside the building
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  • Commented By:Jimmi M.
  • Recommended:Yes
  • On:11-Apr-2018
Jimmi M. says: Last day at the hospital my wife had the bed sheet bloody due to my sons birth i ask her to change the sheet and she refuse she said no cus you going home today ? That wasn't the case sheet where bloody her duty was to change the sheet plain and simple .Not a good experience !!!!! At the end she came and did it ? But beside that everything else where fantastic...thank u so much...
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  • Commented By:Leandro D.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:28-Oct-2015
Leandro D. says: Trinitas Regional Hospital have not changed! the staff is just as unprofessional and ghetto as ever! the 4 North floor secretary with her ghetto attitude, definitely lacked public relation skills with visitors. The floor staff at the nurses's station were socializing, drinking coffee, and talking among themselves, while patients were calling for help. I received a call from the hospital to inform me that my mother was ready to go. When I got there, parked my car in the garage, and then had to wait 45 minutes, while on 4 North, for my mother to finally be released.

I have a big mouth when frustrated, ignored, or when things don't go right! so I walked up to a lady who was roaming the hall, with an ID tagged "Customer relations, or something of that nature, and basically told her how long I've being waiting, and that I only had 10 minutes before my one hour parking expired. Soon after that a very nice Filipina nurse approached me, asked me for my parking permit, walked out, and came back with a red sticker on my parking permit!!!

While driving my mother back home from the hospital, she told the Filipina nurse( who was not her assigned nurse) was the only staff on that floor who was very attentive and nice to her. My mother's assigned nurses ignored my mother request when she asked for help. My mom pee on her self because no one came to help her, until the nice Filipina nurse name Elizabeth noticed my mom trying to clean herself and the spot on the floor she urinated on.

ONE VERY DISTUBING DETAIL. When my mother was dressed and prepared to go to the O.R, she was moved to the recovery 4 North floor, with the same gown and socks she wore while in the O.R!?
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