Complaint History & Business Rating for Vacationexpress

3495 Piedmont rd suite 400 building 11, Atlanta, Georgia, 30305, United States.

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Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Genoveva I.
  • Recommended:N/A
  • On:15-Mar-2016
Genoveva I. says: Inform customers about what is going on in the places people go for vacation.You hide the Zika virus and are uninformed or you want to mislead people just to make money.Our life is more important than your business.So be honest.
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  • Commented By:Genoveva I.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:15-Mar-2016
Genoveva I. says: They took my money and took advantage of me,because I am old.I asked them to reimburse my down payment money because I was afraid to travel do to the Zika virus.They told me that is nothing,Zika is just a little cold and this is it.They knew that United airlines is refounding ticket money to people afraid to travel because Zika,but Vacationexpress kept telling me that the airline will not refound my money.Cyntia Collard was the travel agent who refused to inform me about changes and kept pressing me to go to Cancun because is nothing to be afraid of.Finnaly BBB and Consumer protection intervene and I could have my money back.I will never use Vacationexpress for my vacation and I will advise people to avoid troubles by using this stuborn Agency.Was a nightmare for me and I don't want to use it ever.Please people run from this Agency,run fast .
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