Complaint History & Business Rating for Value Point Distribution

775 E Blithedale Ave. Ste. 529 (937), Mill Valley, California, 94941-1554, United States.

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PeopleClaim Reliability Rating
Scale: A+ to F

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Value Point Distribution’s Complaint History (5):

5 claims are currently posted for public review and comment :

    • Claim
    • Seeking:

    Value Point Distribution Dispute

    • Bad business practices
    • Customer service runarounds
    • Problem with a product
    • Problem with a service
    Claimant says:This company treated me like a king as long as they were processing my order for a hot tub, but after it was delivered, I experienced their extremely poor customer service, which apparently is documented widely on the internet. It was my fault I didn't check their credentials first before I did business with them (Better Business Bureau gives them ...
    • Claim
    • Seeking:

    Value Point Distribution Dispute

    • "I just feel ripped off."
    • Bad business practices
    • Customer service runarounds
    • Overcharge or billing error
    Claimant says:ordered a hot tub , after months of delays the unit showed but was faulty from day one ( blows the 50 A GFI breaker so the it wont heat up or stay on) , agreed extras were not supplied. unable to get an acceptable response from them- they ignored me until my credit card company got involved, now that the charges have been put back on they will not...
    • Claim
    • Seeking:

    Value Point Distribution Dispute

    • "I just feel ripped off."
    • Customer service runarounds
    • Failure to honor promises
    • Problem with a service
    Claimant says:On November 24th 2013 my wife and I purchased a hot tub from this company for $2,600. We were told that delivery would be on February 2nd 2014. That day came and went with no call. I called and found out that there was going to be a delay until April 30th. That day came and went with no call. I called and found out there would be another delay unti...
    • Claim
    • Seeking:

    Value point distribution Dispute

    • "I just feel ripped off."
    Claimant says:I bought a hot tub in Dec. 2 2013 and still have not received it i paid 5800 dollars they keep giving excuses i need my money back i bought one that was suppose to be in stock not the color i wanted but they said it would be delivered Dec. 23 2013 so i ordered it because i wanted it then i took out my old one but still have not received they ...
    • Claim
    • Seeking:

    value point distribution Dispute

    • "I just feel ripped off."
    • Bad business practices
    • Contract / Agreement / Promise dispute
    • Customer service runarounds
    Claimant says:I 5 july, 2013 ordered and paid for a hot tub which was to be shipped september 3 , 2013.cost was $5,497. informed there was a "DELAY"in manufacturing or shipping and that to compensate I would be given a lifetime supply of filters, dated 9/3/2013 11/6/2013 I was sent pictures of my spa, told it was in customs and would be released and shipped by ...

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*IMPORTANT: PeopleClaim is a public dispute resolution system, independent of the BBB, small claims court, or other dispute resolution services. PeopleClaim is not a law firm and does not provide legal services, opinions, or advice. PeopleClaim facilitates peer-to-peer negotiation and resolution and crowdsourced input on issues of fairness to help resolve complaints. Users should contact professional legal counsel on any matters of law or regulation regarding their claims. PeopleClaim does not review or evaluate the merits of claims submitted through its site, and users are solely responsible for all content filed in their claims.
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