Complaint History & Business Rating for Verizon - Headquarters

1 Verizon Way, Basking Ridge, New Jersey, 07920-1025, United States.

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PeopleClaim Reliability Rating
Scale: A+ to F
  • Industry: Telecommunications
  • Employees: 177,300
  • Est. Yearly Revenue: USD 127 billion
  • Officer(s): Mr. Lowell McAdam
  • Year established: 2000

What Verizon - Headquarters customers think NEW

Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Geraldine B.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:06-May-2017
Geraldine B. says: My phone still gets hot and they did not satisfy my claim.
Respond. Click here if you're authorized to respond to Verizon - Headquarters customer comments or edit information on this profile.
  • Commented By:Frank N.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:17-Mar-2017
Frank N. says: Vorizion does not care about their customers thjey won't even contact me back
Respond. Click here if you're authorized to respond to Verizon - Headquarters customer comments or edit information on this profile.
  • Commented By:Alma J.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:07-Mar-2017
Alma J. says: Nothing was ever really settled with them whenever I went to their office. They talked me into something I had no Idea would cost us more money. They could never explain to me why the bill was getting higher. I do know that m sons phone h purchased from them was to be billed separately, and it wasn't. I fact he ended up buying another phone from a different store that was not Verizon. I will never go back to them as a costumer.
Respond. Click here if you're authorized to respond to Verizon - Headquarters customer comments or edit information on this profile.
  • Commented By:Vibhuti M.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:29-Dec-2016
Vibhuti M. says: Verizon has not responded to my complaint.
Respond. Click here if you're authorized to respond to Verizon - Headquarters customer comments or edit information on this profile.
  • Commented By:John H.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:14-Dec-2016
John H. says: Current pricing consideration for monthly charge far exceeds that of competition, but Verizon will not change. Data charges monthly are not justified and in many cases not fair, but they cannot offer why. Correction - would be to bring back unlimited data as they have had previously; thus customer base would not need to seek services through other suppliers.
Respond. Click here if you're authorized to respond to Verizon - Headquarters customer comments or edit information on this profile.
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  • Responsiveness to problems or complaints
  • Value for money
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Verizon - Headquarters’s Complaint History (121):

122 claims are currently posted for public review and comment :

    • Claim
    • Seeking:

    Verizon FIOS II Dispute

    • Overcharge or billing error
    Claimant says:Verizon over billed and double billed me for the same account from March 2010 to March 2011. As a result, I paid the correct billing and the incorrect billing except for 233.00 and they discontinued services to my account. Verizon sent both bills to collection and reported both accounts to the credit agencies. I believe I am owed thousands of do...
    • Claim
    • Seeking:

    My Claim vs. VERIZON IS EVIL

    • "I just feel ripped off."
    • Bad business practices
    • Customer service runarounds
    • Overcharge or billing error
    Claimant says:Please be advised that I had Verizon Wireless as my cell phone carrier for a few years, until I married my wife in 2008. I then changed from Verizon Wireless to T-Mobile so I could be on my wife's family plan account. I was told I could keep my cell phone number and transfer to T-Mobile. When I canceled my plan with Verizon and merged with T-Mobile...
    • Claim
    • Seeking:

    My Claim vs. Verizon Business Dispute

    • Bad business practices
    • Failure to honor promises
    Claimant says:Verizon has called on my apartment three times already. Soliciting is not allowed in this complex, but Verizon says I am a customer so the law is on its side. I am NOT a customer. A year ago January, my husband was at a rehabilitation hospital that used Verizon services but I had to call for a phone to be installed. It took over a week for Verizon ...
    • Claim
    • Seeking:

    Verizon Wireless Dispute

    • "I just feel ripped off."
    • Bad business practices
    • Contract / Agreement dispute
    • Customer service runarounds
    Claimant says:Verizon Wireless falsely advertises that Verizon provides the best cellular service in the world. I had a much different experience. I purchased a device from Verizon on June 27, 2013. I did not receive the promised service from Verizon. I made several phone calls to complain to Verizon about deceptive and abusive billing, poor customer service a...
    • Claim
    • Seeking:

    My Claim vs. Verizon wirerless Dispute

    • "I just feel ripped off."
    • Bad business practices
    • Customer service runarounds
    • Failure to honor promises
    Claimant says:My girlfriend and i purchased two cell phone chosen on the mail and rebate. We purchased these phones the day after Thanksgiving. Upon purchase the sales lady told us it's not uncommon for mistakes with the rebate. So the sale rep. filled out the paper work for the rebate herself and told us all we had to do was stamp and mail the envelope in. It's...

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*IMPORTANT: PeopleClaim is a public dispute resolution system, independent of the BBB, small claims court, or other dispute resolution services. PeopleClaim is not a law firm and does not provide legal services, opinions, or advice. PeopleClaim facilitates peer-to-peer negotiation and resolution and crowdsourced input on issues of fairness to help resolve complaints. Users should contact professional legal counsel on any matters of law or regulation regarding their claims. PeopleClaim does not review or evaluate the merits of claims submitted through its site, and users are solely responsible for all content filed in their claims.
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