Complaint History & Business Rating for Verizon Collections / Recovery 800-852-1922

PO Box 650051, Dallas, Texas, 75265-0051, United States.

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Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Dorothy D.
  • Recommended:N/A
  • On:26-May-2016
Dorothy D. says: Never. Each department I've been dealing with for 3 years to obtain a resolution for inquiries on my credit report, they are irate, unprofessional, unhelpful and crooks for using personal consumers information without proper verification or validation for new service. The account that was opened in my name and opened illegally. Even after submitting proof documentations that the account was opened without consent, they still ruined my credit and expect me to pay an outstanding balance. Between, police reports, showing the address and phone calls do not matching up with my address of 7 years, this company still wants "me" to pay a bill I never had. I filed a complaint with the better business Bureau as well as the board of Utilities company and they cannot gain an understanding with all proof submitted, why are they ruining my name using stolen demographics. I would never ever recommend any Verizon products to anyone nor an enemy. Claim #1721057-106762
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  • Commented By:Dorothy D.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:26-May-2016
Dorothy D. says: Never. Each department I've been dealing with for 3 years to obtain a resolution for inquiries on my credit report, they are irate, unprofessional, unhelpful and crooks for using personal consumers information without proper verification or validation for new service. The account that was opened in my name and opened illegally. Even after submitting proof documentations that the account was opened without consent, they still ruined my credit and expect me to pay an outstanding balance. Between, police reports, showing the address and phone calls do not matching up with my address of 7 years, this company still wants "me" to pay a bill I never had. I filed a complaint with the better business Bureau as well as the board of Utilities company and they cannot gain an understanding with all proof submitted, why are they ruining my name using stolen demographics. I would never ever recommend any Verizon products to anyone nor an enemy.
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  • Commented By:Lemuel L.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:21-Feb-2016
Lemuel L. says: After I canceled my internet service with Verizon a couple years ago, they sent a final bill and I paid it, but somehow their system screwed up and they still had me as owing for the last month's service even though I paid it. Before they even attempted to contact me they just went ahead and sent me into collections and trashed my credit score. I had to go through the insane bureaucracy and run-around between Verizon and their collection company's "customer service" reps to show them my receipt that I already paid them that last bill. After endless months of back and forth (and tens of hours and hundreds of dollars for credit monitoring and postage for correspondence with credit bureaus to fix my credit score), Verizon finally acknowledged a glitch in their accounting system and agreed I already paid that bill. Verizon's systems are also set to automatically forward their customers into collections before even attempting to resolve issues with their customers first. I don't even think human eyes look at a customer account before it goes to collections. My inlaws had a similar issue with Verizon as well, mistakenly getting sent into collections. Wait times to speak with customer service reps are terribly long so you can imagine the number of hours and frustration it took to resolve this issue. I wanted Verizon to compensate me for the time and money I spent to resolve their mistake but they declined.
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Verizon Collections / Recovery 800-852-1922’s Complaint History (7):

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