Wall & Associates, Inc. (Headquarters)’s Complaint History (2):
2 claims are currently posted for public review and comment
- Claim
- Seeking:
- Bad business practices
- Customer service runarounds
- Problem with a product
Claimant says:My claim against Wall & Associates is for fraudulent conduct and gross incompetence resulting in a breach of contract for services not being rendered. Wall & Associates did not act in good faith and have my best financial interests in mind.
In October 2012 I asked for a full refund of the $8400 paid since March 2011, and filed a claim with Vi...
- Claim
- Seeking:
- "I just feel ripped off."
- Bad business practices
- Problem with a service
Claimant says:I paid them $8800 for service and they never resolved my problem. I had to get the problem resolved on my own.
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Wall & Associates, Inc. (Headquarters)
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