Complaint History & Business Rating for Watson Clinic LLP

PO Box 95000, 216801, Lakeland, Florida, 33804, United States.

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Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Robert W.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:18-Feb-2021
Robert W. says: Watson Clinic and their Doctors, and especially their staff, used to treat the patients like human beings with care and concern. But now they are just flooded and over whelmed with patients, and they can't seem to keep up with the demand. Most doctors are constantly running behind with their schedule, and have very little time for their patients. Most of their staffs are rude and uncaring. They are on such tight schedules they barely have time for questions or concerns. Patients are treated like products in a factory.
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  • Commented By:P B.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:27-Jun-2020
P B. says: As an at-risk, complicated patient, I have only been going to medical appointments since March due to Coronavirus. My experiences range from great to horrible. Sadly, your lab in the Main Clinic was the worse experience. On June 17, they abandoned the normal controlled method of calling people back and placing them in specific cubes. They called people back and told them to sit anywhere, the technicians did not know the order that people had come in or even which cubes had been filled, and people lined up (without masks) in the walkways between the cubes. As I sat there and watched others come and go (because they didn't know who was next), I can verify that there was ZERO sanitizing between patients. Seriously?! I would have been safer going to the hair salon than to your lab. In addition, my technician had a face shield on WITHOUT a mask and sniffed with a runny nose the entire time they took my blood. Shameful!!
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  • Commented By:Donna H.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:15-Oct-2019
Donna H. says: I have been a patient of the Watson Clinic for over 40 years. Always had insurance and paid my outstanding bill. Had surgery July 8and paid some money out of pocket up front. I have a credit of $339.56 due back to me and its like pulling teeth to get any money back. I have made many attemps calling the billing office and just get the runaround.
We are now going on 90 days. If the table was turned, I would of been sent to collections.......
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