Complaint History & Business Rating for William Beaumont Hospital

3601 W 13 Mile Rd, Royal Oak, Michigan, 48073, United States.

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Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Linda H.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:05-Jan-2023
Linda H. says: The staff is unprofessional. Do not trust the star rating, it us a lie. Pediatric staff for Dr. Mitsuya and Dr. D. We have been waiting for dire test results for 6 weeks. Filed a complaint with Board of Directors. Useless. What is happening to this world when a toddler is not important.
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  • Commented By:L T.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:03-Jan-2022
L T. says: Local Urgent Care sent me to the Beaumont RO ER for a hypertensive crisis with severe headache. The Royal Oak ER had both paper & electronic documentation from Urgent Care that my BP was read at 177/? and 183/103. I informed the triage nurses that my head felt like it was going to explode & the headache was worse & different than any I had ever experienced (despite having chronic migraine). Urgent Care and I were concerned with possible stroke or heart attack. ER recorded info & my BP at 179/? . After 3 hours of waiting to be seen & obvi not having had a stroke, I asked the triage nurse to pls re-check my blood pressure. She re-checked my BP which was now at 191/97 and we determined that the first triage nurse had used the wrong size BP cuff (nurse #1 had used the large adult cuff which will give a lower BP reading on a regular size adult!). Even with a BP reading of over 191/97, the Beaumont staff wasn’t sure when I would be taken back to be seen and added that since High BP is a condition that needs to be managed the ER doctors would likely not provide any treatment to bring my blood pressure down. I asked why they had not told me that when I arrived since urgent care instructed me to go to the ER immediately to receive treatment? The ER triage staff said they weren’t sure…. BEWARE!
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  • Commented By:Janice R.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:28-Sep-2021
Janice R. says: My son suffers from mental illness and I cannot stay in a hospital for days and days at a time. My daughter was in the car because the hospital told my daughter she couldn't come in. My son had a court date and I need to adjourn the court day and inform the court my son is in the hospital. The doctor told me I could leave and Beaumont called CPS on me as always and this isn't the first time. I didn't have the courts information and my daughter was in the car. I called my son's supports coordinator and everything.
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  • Commented By:William S.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:14-Aug-2021
William S. says: I have filed a Civil Complaint for discrimination. The visitor monitoring is on par w Nazi Brown Shirts..."I'm just following policy". These are the words from the door monitors as they were also the words of the Brown Shirts. Beaumont Hospitals own website contradicts the limited visiting they allow. It violates Civil Liberties and violates their own policy and their own mission. This COVID excuse is nonsense because if anyone has COVID then they are treated or considered infected which falls under disability rights; which is discriminatory to question the visitor/patient. It 8s also a privacy violation to pursue or question a visitor/patient. Lastly if you don't have COVID then there is no reason to not let patients see their visitors. I have had this happen several times over the course of three days so far...and counting. Patients healing is not priority to this hospital. Their website, their words may say otherwise but their actions prove healing and the right to associate w others and have visitors is not a priority to their patients. I am upset at the lack of sympathy and compassion of these employees and representatives of Beaumont.
I have witnessed this with other visitors of other patients; I can only estimate it happens very often each day, dozens of times each week and hundreds of times each month.
A civil complaint or lawsuit should be filed firceach instance. The policy is not posted and to top it off the monitors, show discretion to whom ever they feel. Their rules apply to only those they choose; discrimination at its finest!
Because of this I will never refer this hospital even if the medical/surgical staff may have been excellent or not. The COVID door monitors and contradicting Beaumont policies have sealed my opinion and my future referral of this hospital. Should we lawyer up? Giving it thought.....
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  • Commented By:Elain T.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:29-Oct-2020
Elain T. says: Beaumont hospital is actually the worst place to take anybody. For all I know they’ve killed my father. They have no sympathy no empathy no active professionalism. They won’t let me see my father. They hang up on me every time I call. They’re starving my dad. For me I would rather die than go to Beaumont Hospital
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