“Hi thank you so much, I was ready to go to small claims court when I saw your site and thought I would give it a try. I heard from the owner of that Repair shop shortly after he got your E-mail, and he set up a time to bring the finished clock back and did bring it and got his payment. I could tell he wasn't happy, but I think without PeopleClaim, we would still be waiting for the return of the clock, if I had read some of the reviews I saw of him on google, sadly after the fact, I would have looked for another repair place, and I would not recommend this place to anyone no matter how good the work maybe, the owner seems to have some sort of issue. thanks again PeopleClaim.”
- D.W. - N.Y.
“This will satisfactorily close the case. Thank you for your work in getting this settlement.”
- J.W. - California
“They have credited my account for $547.25. Thank you all for your help, this could not have been done without PeopleClaim. Again, thank you!”
- D.R. - South Carolina
“You're the greatest! We're so lucky to have found your service. I'll definitely recommend you to everyone.I couldn't have done it without PeopleClaim...We couldn't be happier unless it hadn't happened at all. Thanks again!!!”
- P.D. - Oregon
“I want to thank you for being there. I was getting nowhere and now they have taken it out of collections, where it should have never been in the first place. They make it impossible to resolve any issue (on your own).”
- B.E. - California