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Have a dispute? PeopleClaim makes it easy.
Resolve a complaint against anyone that has treated you unfairly. Filing is fast, easy and free.
- Get Satisfaction
- Fast and Effective
- 100% Online
- No Lawyers or Mediators
- File for Free
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Frequently asked questions
- How do I know if PeopleClaim is right for me?
You can use PeopleClaim to resolve most commercial disputes online and without the
requirement of hiring a lawyer, mediator, or other intermediary. PeopleClaim can
be used for claims of any size, which can be filed against any business, government
agency, or professional, in any location. PeopleClaim is a fairness-based system,
which means you can file your complaint in plain English (or any other language)
without any knowledge or background in law. Just tell your story and explain why
you've been treated unfairly; PeopleClaim will do the rest.
- Free claim filing or paid services - which is best?
You can use PeopleClaim absolutely free of charge, or choose premium options such
as posting your complaint publicly, physical delivery to the other party, or having
it forwarded to regulators and watchdogs. Depending on the type of complaint you're
filing, our premium services in many cases can get it resolved faster, and our public
posting option allows you to set a deadline and post your claim online for public
review and comment if your resolution deadline isn't met. Since many consumers use
PeopleClaim before making a purchase or hiring a professional or contractor, the
public posting option can add extra influence to your claim. Our goal is to give
you the right tools for your situation and to help get your claim resolved as quickly
as possible.
- How does PeopleClaim's consumer alert system work?
PeopleClaim can keep you better informed about product and service providers in
your area, or in a specific industry. It's a free service--at your request we'll
send you notifications of posted claims closest to your location. Receiving alerts
lets you to keep tabs on your favorite restaurants, on doctors or lawyers, or others
in your community who might have PeopleClaims filed against them. We respect your
inbox; alerts are sent every two weeks. You can cancel at any time. To request alerts
just add your ZIP Code and email address to the alert form on this page.
- How is PeopleClaim different from the BBB?
One of the biggest differences is that we avoid conflicts of interest because we
never accept payments (including advertising, member fees, or any other compensation)
from the party you're filing against--and only you decide when your claim has been
resolved. This means in most cases the other party has either agreed to your terms
of settlement or has made a counteroffer that you have accepted as fair compensation
for your problem. Posted claims always allow for both sides of any dispute. We believe
this increases the willingness of the responding party to engage in constructive
settlement discussions with claimants, and to resolve disputes quickly and fairly.
Once a complaint has been resolved, it is removed from public posting and the successful
resolution is factored into the business's PeopleClaim Rating. This creates a strong
and ongoing incentive for the other party to respond to your claim and attempt to
resolve it under mutually agreeable terms.
- Is PeopleClaim a lawyer referral site?
PeopleClaim is an automated dispute resolution process that provides free and premium
online tools to help disputing parties resolve their complaints quickly and without
the need for lawyers, mediators, or complicated processes. While in most cases complaints
can be resolved through direct negotiation with the other party, in the event your
complaint is not settled to your satisfaction, you can alert lawyers, consumer advocates,
and PeopleClaim users to your situation. This is done by choosing the public posting
option, and selecting which kind of third-party provider you want contact from if
your claim is not settled. This can put you in touch with others who may help resolve
your problem. PeopleClaim does not participate in referral fees and is not responsible
for any relationship you may establish with responding third parties.