Kerri-Ann Forde
Mediator (Private Practice & Supreme Court of Barbados)
Public mediator/negotiator

"Need help resolving a problem?

Invite Kerri-Ann to help you.

Online Mediation Scorecard

  • Solutions contributed: 0
  • Total Resolution Points: 100
  • Likes - by one party: 0
  • Likes - by both parties: 0
About Kerri-Ann

I am passionate about ensuring that people have a chance to speak for themselves and say what they want and why. As a mediator, I love being able to ensure each party is heard by the other, and quite often, things are revealed in mediation that one of the parties is hearing for the first time. The mediation table encourages people to directly engage in the resolution of their conflicts, which empowers them to come to an agreement they can live with. The flexibility of the process allows for creativity in the agreement phase as well. There is no better feeling than being able to assist others in reaching that point. I also do one-on-one conflict counselling for those who find themselves in conflict often but with no clear understanding of why and/or what route they need to take to address it and deal with issues in a healthier manner. For companies who have no clear (or successful) method of addressing issues within their organization, I can assist in developing a system for addressing such matters. With Conflict Resolution, the list can go on and on, so feel free to contact me to discuss anything you do not see listed.

Knows about
  • Civil rights / discrimination
  • Divorce / family law
My professional experience
KF Mediation Services (-1 To Present)
My education
Kennesaw State University (Kennesaw, GA)
Master of Science - Conflict Management

Kerri-Ann Forde has a total of 100 PeopleClaim points. Contributions:

Claims: 0 recognition points
Trials: 0 recognition points