Invite Karen Matcke to help you.
Private, in-house and government legal practice over 20 years with both transactional and litigation practice areas.Legal experience in Business Contracts, Consumer Rights, Insurance Contracts, Real Estate, Land Use, Inverse Condemnation, Construction and Building, Administrative Law, Municipal Law, Trusts and Estates, Elder Abuse, Disability Rights, Education, Health and Safety, Personal Injury and Defamation, Wrongful Death, Civil Rights, Compassionate Use Act.Specialties: Active Listening, defining issues, matching interests, connecting puzzel pieces, common denominators, negotiating possible solutions, identifying all considerations that impact participating parties. PRO and CON analyses and/or Best and Worst Alternative analyses. Respecting everyone's position.
Attorney who has represented parties in auto financing, licensing, injury, accidents, insurance, repairs, and others.
Litigation against governmental entities, special needs cases, and other discrimination issues.
Attorney for home owners, builders, land development and land use, construction defect cases, prof contracts cases.
Attorney in defamation case.