Frank Davis
San Francisco Bay Area
Licensed Psychologist Specializing In Clinical Psychology And Forensic Family Law Psychology

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Online Mediation Scorecard

  • Solutions contributed: 0
  • Total Resolution Points: 100
  • Likes - by one party: 0
  • Likes - by both parties: 0
About Frank

I provide trauma informed psychotherapy services to adults, children, couples and families. I use cognitive schema therapy, family systems, multi-cultural, psychodynamic and neurobiological perspectives to inform my clinical work.

I have maintained a full-time private practice in Berkeley, California since 2010. My areas of expertise and interest are as follows: Treating Complex Trauma (i.e., emotional, physical and sexual abuse and neglect), Anger Management, Depression, Impulse Control, Substance Use, Working with Perpetrators, Victims and Survivors of Domestic Violence, Working with Families of Adoption (Domestic, Transracial and/or International), Working with College Student-Athletes and Professional Athletes; Providing Parenting Consultation (i.e., Help Parents Identify Their Parenting Styles and Encourage Positive Parenting Practices), Psychological Assessments, Consultation to Community Based Mental Health Organizations and Corporate Organizations.

I always see to it that I provide a sense of empathy and warmth to the people I serve. I also, however, challenge the people I work with so as to foster growth, development and transformation. This is no easy task and usually involves getting in touch with very powerful emotions and feelings. Lastly, I expect full commitment and active participation from my clientele.

Knows about
  • Divorce / family law

    Parenting Coordinator for High Conflict Divorce and Separation

  • Healthcare

    Psychotherapy Services

My professional experience
Frank Davis PhD (2011 To Present)
Clinical Psychologist
Frank Davis, Ph.D. (2011 To Present)
Clinical and Forensic Psychologist specializing in Family Law Related Issues
Frank Davis, Ph.D. (1 To Present)
Therapeutic Drumming Facilitator

Frank Davis has a total of 100 PeopleClaim points. Contributions:

Claims: 0 recognition points
Trials: 0 recognition points