Complaint History & Business Rating for Public Moving & Storage (Headquarters)

17600 N Williams St Ste 1, Thornton, Illinois, 60476-1287, United States.

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Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Nichole T.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:03-May-2018
Nichole T. says: They flat out lied and misrepresented. I explain in great detail the amount of items I needed moved ( 2 bdrm apt and 10x10 storage unit) as well as my husband's very large, very heavy tool box. I explained in detail! I called back 3 times and told Andy again that the tool box weighed over 500 pounds and was over 4 feet long and was assured it was ok. On pick up day they charged me $500 for it because it was "oversized" then had to leave 1/3 of my things AFTER having to rent a uhaul to take what they did not have room for. They lost 5-6 boxes of out things as well as a 4x6 original oil painting my mom did. I was so scared of the delivery process that lucky I called to see what hidded charged I might get and they said if my street did not allow a semi I would have to pay for truck rental ( no residential streets allow semis in GA, I called and asked) and if our driveway was too steep it would be another fee. So we met them in a parking lot and had them unload into ANOTHER uhaul we rented. Then had to unload it all ourselves. The only reason we went to the them is because we have had to mover so many times and we're tired of the physical labor. So thanks to Public Moving and Storage we moved it all ourselves AND over paid. Plus lost irreplaceable items.
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Public Moving & Storage (Headquarters)’s Complaint History (1):

1 claim is currently posted for public review and comment :

    • Claim
    • Seeking:

    B.D. vs. Public Moving And Storage Company

    • Bad business practices
    • Customer service runarounds
    • Overcharge or billing error
    • Problem with a service
    Claimant says:On Dec 11, 2016, at 3:24 PM, Dykeman, Barbara A lot of the problem is not just the contract but the way they have been handling the whole move. They were supposed to show up between 9 - 12 on 11/18 to pick up our stuff. They final show up at 245. Because I waited for them all morning we had to stay in Corpus because they did not get done until...

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