Complaint History & Business Rating for WorldWide Electronics LLC

3912 Pacific Place, Mukilteo, Washington, 98275, United States.

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WorldWide Electronics LLC’s Complaint History (4):

4 claims are currently posted for public review and comment :

    • Claim
    • Seeking:

    WorldWide Electronics LLC-Dispute-#4068405

    • "I just feel ripped off."
    • Bad business practices
    • Customer service runarounds
    Claimant says:I placed an order #1069 for SONY XBR 55HX 950 priced at $2399.00 (WorldWide Electronics LLC 3912 Pacific Pl, Mukilteo, WA 98275 on March 23, 2013 with payment delivered on March 26, 2013 to Worldwide Electronics LLC via overnight bank check. I CANCELLED MY ORDER #1069 on March 30, 2013 when Mr. Roman, the Company WorldWide Electronic...
    • Claim
    • Seeking:

    WorldWide Electronics LLC-Dispute-#1656615

    • Bad business practices
    • Contract / Agreement / Promise dispute
    Claimant says:I placed an order on (Worldwide electronics) on Feb 6th 2013. I paid $2349 on Feb 7th 2013. I waited 2 weeks but never got the order filled. By then the newer model of the same TV was announced and I upgraded the order and sent a check for additional $ 1050 on March 6th 2013. I have paid a total of $3399 and have yet to receive the T...
    • Claim
    • Seeking:

    WorldWide Electronics LLC-Dispute-#5901337

    • Problem with a product
    Claimant says:I'm PHUONG NGUYEN my address : 4608 harvest ln sachse tx 75048 April 16,13 I wire my money for order LC80LE857U from ROMAN (consumer electronic sales manager) but him not delivery ??? May21,13 I canceled my order then Roman told me wait 6day from cancel day for refund my money back .Today over day so him didn't make for refund .
    • Claim
    • Seeking:

    Worldwide Electronics LLC-Dispute-#1800105

    • Other
    Claimant says:Ordered Panasonic TV on December 10, 2012. Their shipping policy guarantees receipt of TV in 2 weeks. On January 2, 2013, I contacted them on the status of my order. They said they were having problems and could not provide a date when the TV would be shipped. On January 3, 2013 they offered a full refund and I accepted that offer on the 4th. I ...

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